Lelia Bacchi Curotto Levy is a talented Brazilian textile artist whose passion lies in the creation of art that revolves around characters and the compelling narratives that unfurl during her artistic process. She embraces the idea that her creations come to life through the act of making, forming a deep connection between the artist and her work. She beautifully articulates this symbiotic relationship, stating, "They tell me their story, and I give them my hands," reflecting her belief that her creations possess a distinct voice and personality that guides her in their crafting. 

        Lelia's artistic approach is made with a unique blend of spontaneity and serendipity. She relies on the magic of coincidental moments when her characters seem to take on a life of their own, communicating their desires and aspirations to her. It's in these profound and unexpected encounters that are true artistic discoverey.

        Having pursued her Master's degree in Fine Arts Textiles at Parsons, Lelia has honed her artistic skills and embarked on an exploration of various techniques to give shape to her imaginative ideas. Felting, knitting, and basketry stand as the primary mediums through which she brings her artistic visions to life. 
